New RPO Target Can Increase Solar Adoption But Only With Boosted Efforts
Government of India has made incredible strides in speeding up solar energy growth. Country’s recent initiative to revise the renewable purchase obligation (RPO) goals for up to FY 2012-22 is expected to improve solar adoption scenario. For FY19-20, solar electricity RPO is set at 7.25% and for FY20-21 solar RPO is set at 10.50%. This clearly speaks of Government of India’s intent towards solarizing the country by increasing share of renewable energy within mainstream energy consumption. However, although we should appreciate and celebrate India’s continued support towards solar energy growth, we also need to highlight that RPO compliance has not been up to the mark. Current Scenario Surveys show that most states are behind reaching their set yearly targets, thus making one of the most important policy frame work (RPO) inactive. This has slowed the growth of solar as a mainstream energy source. Introducing more and more solar power plant projects will not make solar the mai...